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- Ntapanta, S. M. 2023. ‘Polarized Cityscapes: Gathering Electronic Waste and Its Malcontents in Dar es Salaam, Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 3(3–4):227–43. doi: 10.18261/nat.33.3-4.4
- Ntapanta, S. M. 2022. ‘Re-Valuing, Appropriating, and Valorising Electronic Waste in Tanzania’. VIGIA – Magazine for Technology and Society, 2 (2):53–62
- Ntapanta, S. M. 2021. ‘“Lifescaping” Toxicants: Locating and Living with e-Waste in Tanzania’. Anthropology Today 37(4):7–10. doi: 10.1111/1467-8322.12663
- Ntapanta, S. M. 2022. Anthropology Does not Need to Decolonise to Make Sense of Conflicts in Today’s Polarised World. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 33(2), 159–162
- Ntapanta, S. M. 2021. Faça-se Luz: Luz, Esperança e i Supérfulo. A Vida Sociale os Efeitos da Energia e das Tecnologias, dentro Freire, P. (ed) (2021) Aura // Luz de Presença, Criaatividade Cósmica. – S. 775-789
- Nipen, M., Vogt, R. D., Bohlin-Nizzetto, P., Borgå, K., Mwakalapa, E. B., Borgen, A. R., Jørgensen, S. J., Ntapanta, S. M., Mmochi, A. J., Schlabach, M., & Breivik, K. (2022). Spatial trends of chlorinated paraffins and dechloranes in air and soil in a tropical urban, suburban, and rural environment. Environmental Pollution, 292, 118298
Accepted manuscripts
- Ntapanta, S.M. 2023. Repairing Allegories: Phenomenology of Electronics Repair and Care in Tanzania. Unpublished manuscript. In Repairing and Mending Across Africa, Kopf, C., Wenzel P., G., Mbodj-Pouye, A., and Meinert, L. (eds.). Bristol: Intellect Books, Chicago University Press.
- Ntapanta, S.M. 2022. Gathering the African Technosphere: Electronic Waste Assemblages in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Unpublished manuscript. In Contested Ecologies 2: African Environmental Governance Struggles. Green,L and Matusse, A (eds). Cape Town: HSRC Press
- Ntapanta, S.M. 2022). Contested Landscapes: Ghosts of the Colonial Rail in Tanzania. Unpublished manuscript. In Everyday Affects of Ecological Globalization. Swanson, H. and Vine, M. (eds) Aarhus University
- Ntapanta, S. M. (2021). President Samia Can Ignore New Constitution At Her Peril. The Chanzo.
- Ntapanta, S. M. (2020). COVID-19 and the Toilet Paper Hoarding: Dealing with Waste in a Time of Crisis. Communitas.
Conference Presentations
- Ntapanta, S. M (2022, November 17-19). The tyranny and sociality of charcoal cookstoves in Tanzania. (Paper presentation) 65 rd Annual Meeting of African Studies Association ASA 2020, Philadelphia, Virtual
- Ntapanta, S. M and Medaas, Christian (2020, November 19-21). Who cares? Caring for what? Enacting repair as care: a comparative repairing ethnography in Dar es Salaam and Oslo (Paper presentation) 63 rd Annual Meeting of African Studies Association ASA 2020, Washington, Virtual
- Ntapanta, S. M, (2020, August 18-21): Revaluing E-waste: Material Appropriation, Circularity, and temporal Negotiation in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. (Paper presentation) EASST/4S 2020 Conference, Prague, virtually.
Seminar Papers
- Ntapanta. S.M. 2023, Jan. 5th 2023 3:00 PM–5:00 PM, Polarised Cityscapes: Gathering Electronic Waste and Its Malcontents in Dar es Salaam. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, Møterom 450 (Faculty Board Room), Eilert Sundts in house and virtual
- Ntapanta. S.M. 2021, March 11th 14:15 – 16:00, Transient E-Waste Spaces: Labour, Kinship and Capital in Electronic Waste Salvaging. Cultural History Museum, University of Oslo, Virtual